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Children and Teens Counselling

Brother and Sister

How Does Child and Teen Psychology Help? 

Child and adolescent psychologists play a vital role in providing support and guidance to young people navigating complex challenges, offering specialized expertise to help them thrive. Our psychologists in Calgary can help by:


  • Understanding and Assessing Needs: Child and adolescent psychologists are trained to assess and understand the unique needs of each young person they work with. Through comprehensive evaluations and assessments, they can identify underlying issues such as behavioral problems, learning difficulties, or emotional concerns.

  • Providing Individualized Therapy: Once needs are identified, child and adolescent psychologists develop tailored treatment plans to address specific concerns. They utilize evidence-based therapeutic techniques to help children build coping skills, manage emotions, and overcome obstacles.

  • Supporting Families: Child and adolescent psychologists recognize the importance of family dynamics in a child's development. They work closely with parents and caregivers to provide guidance, education, and support, helping families create a nurturing and supportive environment for their children.

  • Managing Mental Health Concerns: Child and adolescent psychologists play a crucial role in identifying and treating mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, and trauma-related disorders. Through therapy, counselling, and intervention, they help young people develop resilience and improve their overall well-being.

  • Collaborating with Schools and Communities: Child and adolescent psychologists sometimes collaborate with schools, pediatricians, and community organizations to provide comprehensive support to children and families. They advocate for the needs of young people within educational and community settings, promoting inclusive and supportive environments.

  • Promoting Positive Change: By empowering children with the tools and skills they need to navigate life's challenges, child and adolescent psychologists in Calgary facilitate positive change that extends beyond the therapy room. They inspire confidence, resilience, and a sense of empowerment in children, laying the foundation for a bright and promising future.


Gillian, Scott, Misha and Caitlin work with young people of all ages.


Marissa and Sydney work with young people from the age of 12. 

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How to Talk to Your Child or Teen About Going to Therapy

Initiating a conversation with your child or adolescent about starting therapy can feel daunting. However, open and supportive communication is essential in helping them understand the benefits of therapy and feel comfortable seeking help. Here's a guide on how to approach this important conversation with your child or adolescent.


  • Choose the Right Time and Setting: Select a time and place where you and your child can have a private and uninterrupted conversation. Ensure that both of you are feeling calm and relaxed before broaching the topic.

  • Normalize Therapy: Normalize the idea of therapy by explaining that it's a common and helpful resource for many people. Emphasize that therapy is a safe space for expressing emotions, learning coping skills, and finding support.

  • Highlight the Benefits: Discuss the potential benefits of therapy, such as feeling happier, less stressed, or more confident. Share examples of how therapy has helped other people overcome similar challenges and achieve their goals.

  • Validate Their Feelings: Validate your child's feelings and concerns about starting therapy. Acknowledge any fears or uncertainties they may have and reassure them that it's okay to feel nervous or unsure about trying something new.

  • Be Honest and Transparent: Be honest and transparent about why you believe therapy could be beneficial for them. Share your observations of their struggles or changes in behavior and explain how therapy can provide them with the support and tools they need to feel better.

  • Involve Them in the Decision-Making Process: Involve your child or adolescent in the decision-making process by asking for their input and preferences. Offer them choices, such as selecting a therapist or deciding on the frequency of sessions, to help them feel more in control of the process.

  • Address Any Concerns or Questions: Encourage your child to ask questions and express any concerns they may have about therapy. Listen attentively to their concerns and provide honest and reassuring answers to alleviate any fears or misconceptions.


Remember, every child is unique, so tailor your approach to their individual personality, age, and developmental stage. By approaching the conversation with empathy, understanding, and support, you can help your child or adolescent feel empowered to seek the help they need and embark on a journey of growth and healing through therapy.

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